
Our curriculum begins with the children; what their interests are and where they are developmentally.


At Juniperhaven Preschool, we prioritize the development of  a child’s social and emotional intelligence, recognizing it as a crucial skill during their early years.  A large uninterrupted play time gives children the space to practice these skills and master these skills. Teachers act as coaches during their play and intercept to help with conflict mediation when children are having a tough time solving problems on their own.  During circle time, we engage children through interactive engaging activities such as storytelling, puppet shows and songs. It’s during these direct instruction times and through real life experiences that the children learn important values like taking turns, apologizing and how to engage in play with others. We emphasize the importance of kindness and empathy towards others, as these skills ultimately contribute to their success not only in kindergarten but in into their adulthood.

In a play-based environment teachers act as guides, observing and assessing each child’s interests, abilities and developmental needs. They use this knowledge to create play-based activities and experiences, by providing a variety of art materials, loose parts, toys and props ranging on different topics and using a variety of skills, teachers stimulate children’s imagination and creativity, allowing then to explore and learn through play.

Our play-based environment is also a print-rich environment. The classroom is filled with print materials such as books, labels, signs and charts. These materials expose children to the written language and help them develop and understanding of print concepts, such as left to right reading and top to bottom orientation.  Through storytelling and dramatic play, children engage in imaginative play scenarios where they can act out different roles and create narratives. This helps develop their oral language skills, vocabulary, and storytelling abilities which are essential foundations for literacy.  There is also a writing center with various writing materials such as paper, pencils and markers and stamps. Children are encouraged to engage in emergent writing activities such as drawing, scribbling, and attempting to write letters or words. This supports their fine motor skills and early writing development.  Letter recognition is incorporated into play by intentionally putting letters into sensory bins, playdough tool boxes, manipulatives like blocks and legos and by recognizing their name which is posted near their jacket hook.  Although we don’t do worksheets, letter and number recognition is a integral part of our curriculum (especially in the preschool classroom). 

Math skills are seamlessly incorporated into our classroom. Play areas are equipped with a variety of manipulatives, such as blocks, puzzles and counting toys. Children engage in hands-on activities that involve counting, sorting and grouping objects. This develops their number sense and understanding of basic mathematical concepts.Play-based environments also provide opportunities for children to explore measurements and comparison. For example, they might use tools such as rulers or scales to explore size and weight.  The environment also incorporates materials and activities that promote shape recognition and spatial awareness. Children might engage in shape sorting games, build geometric shapes or explore spial relationships through block play. These experiences help to develop their understanding of shapes, spacial concepts and geometry.

I could go on and on about the learning benefits of a play-based environment.

Classes and Fees (ERDC accepted)


Fulltime: $1700/month

3 days a week: $1250/month

2 days a week: $795/month

The ratio of teachers to children is 1:4 with a max of 8 children total.

Our infant class is a welcoming space that encourages children ages 6 weeks to 12 months (ish) to make meaningful connections with their caregivers and peers their age.  A big part of our infant program is making sure that all of our children’s needs are met, whether that is a diaper change, a feeding, or a nap to being held and comforted.

Our classroom is also a place to explore, play and reach their developmental milestones.  We set out engaging toys that encourage problem solving, eye and hand coordination, fine motor skills and curiosity. You will rarely see a toy with batteries or flashing lights.  Instead we value toys that are open ended and encourage the child to play. We also have a plethora of board books available and laps ready to read a good book in.

This classroom also features a “baby gym” with a ballet bar to pull on when working on standing up and a pickler climber to climb and slide on.  This will give your little one ample opportunity to work on their core strength and gross motor skills.

We also have a space that is exclusively set up for napping.  With a separate space, we are able to dim the lights, turn on white noise and give the children a comforting space to sleep.

And of course, the most special part of the infant classroom is our amazing teacher’s that give your kiddo all the cuddles and attention they need.  They are truely super heroes. 

We think you’ll agree that our classroom is a home away from home.


Fulltime: $1700/month

3 days a week: $1075/month

2 days a week: $675/month

The ratio of a teacher to children is 1:5 with a max of 10 children total.

Our toddler class is a magical place where your kiddo can make new friends, build a tower, make a pretend cake, read a book in the library with a teacher, learn cute and educational songs in circle time and draw pictures to their heart’s content.  Two is such a fun age where their language and personalities really start to shine. Learning social emotional skills is at the heart of the curriculmn in the 2’s room.


Fulltime: $1400/month

3 days a week: $895/month

2 days: $495/month

Our Preschool classroom is truly a playroom fit for hours and hours of play. With nearly 1500 sq feet of pure magic, our playroom offers everything needed for a day of play and fun with friends. We have a library, a block center, an art center, a dramatic play center, small world area, and since children’s bodies are designed to be on the move, there is an entire stage area just for rough-and-tumble play. You can kick or throw a ball, build a fort or play a game of tag with a friend.

Learning to be a good friend and other social emotional skills like self regulation are at the core of our curriculmn for preschoolers.  A play-based enviornment setst the foundation for skills they will learn later in k-12 school.

School Age

After School Care: $650/month (includes the cost of  field trips and up to 3 full days due to k-12 school being closed)

Additional full days are: $30/day

Bus stop pick-up available for Bear Creek and Pine Ridge 

Drop-in care (not enrolled fulltime or Partime): $50/day or $30 after school 

Fulltime Summer Care: $1100/month (cost of field trips included) 

Our after-school care is a time for kids to unwind from their time at school.  They get their wiggles out by playing outside, fill-up their tummies with a snack and then at choice time get to choose between varies activities such as legos, dramatic play, a maker’s space (open ended art area), monitored tv-time, reading, nature hikes and so much more.  Your kiddo will love Wednesdays; we walk to 711 and get slurpees and then take the van to the park.  It’s there favorite day.

Our Summer is full of pool days, hikes and outdoor activities. 

Daily Schedule

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